
The iPhone 16 controversy

Why are people calling for a global boycott of the iPhone 16 and Apple's response to this call of action?

The iPhone 16 dropped, and many human rights organizations are calling for a boycott of Apple’s new product. 

6.5 million people were displaced, and an estimated 25.4 million were in need. 

Forty thousand children, some as young as SIX YEARS OLD, working in conditions no human should ever have to work in. They use their bare hands to find Cobalt so that you and I can remain conformable within our electric vehicles and flaunt our new iPhone 16.  

Global cobalt production equals at least 128,700 tons, which grows yearly. 


  1. Congochildrentrust.org “Artisanal Cobalt Mining in the DR Congo”

  2. CNN.com “iPhone 15 hits shelves around the world.“

  3. Amnesty International “Industry Giants fail to tackle child labour allegations in Cobalt battery supply chains.” 

  4. Republic.com. “How the rush for Congo’s Cobalt is killing thousands.” 

  5. cecc.gov “From Cobalt to Cars: How China Exploits Child and Forced Labor in the Congo”

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